If we are unable to water strawberries🍓, it’s better not to plant them at all.
Water💧 is the most crucial factor affecting the size of the fruit, and thus the yield. Strawberries in the so-called vegetative phase, which is the period of leaf and runner growth, do not have excessive water needs. 🙂However, during the period of fruit growth and ripening, the situation changes drastically. If at this time we happen to let the plants dry out (and a deficit of rainfall in June is nothing unusual), the result can be pitiful: the fruits will start to shrink and in extreme cases, they might resemble wild strawberries rather than strawberries. All our effort related to planting the plants and their subsequent care will be in vain. This must not be allowed to happen.
Do not skimp on water for strawberries during the fruit growth period. And, truthfully, it does not matter in what form we deliver the water to them (via hose, watering cans, sprinklers, or drip irrigation), as long as they do not lack it at this so-called critical moment.