How to get rid of beetles on strawberries? Biological methods of combating soil pests

In addition to wireworms, there is also a problem with grubs and click beetle larvae. All of them feed on the roots of strawberry plants and often cause the death of entire plants, sometimes already in the initial phase of cultivation (the first year). Their presence can easily be detected at the stage of digging over the plot before planting strawberries🍓. If we find the larvae of these pests, especially in large numbers, do not plant strawberries there! It would be a waste of our effort and money. Soil pests must be eliminated before establishing the cultivation.🙂🐛 Continue reading “How to get rid of beetles on strawberries? Biological methods of combating soil pests”

How often should I water strawberries?

There is no simple answer to this. Strawberries 🍓 , like any other plants, should be watered when they need it. Therefore, it all depends on the weather conditions. Strawberries require the most water 💧 after flowering, during the period of strong growth and fruit ripening (usually from the end of May through all of June). A lack of water during this period always results in smaller fruits and a significant drop in yield. Continue reading “How often should I water strawberries?”

How Densely Should You Plant Strawberries? What’s the Best Spacing?

Well, on one hand, you’d want to plant strawberries 🍓 as densely as possible in hopes of a high yield. On the other hand, there’s a sensible limit to the number of plants per unit area, and excessive crowding will cause individual plants to compete with each other for water and nutrients, and the maturing fruits, lacking sufficient sunlight ☀️, will be smaller and not as sweet as they could be. Moreover, due to the increased humidity in overly dense plantings, conditions become favorable for various fungal infections, especially gray mold. Continue reading “How Densely Should You Plant Strawberries? What’s the Best Spacing?”

Millipedes and Armadillos in the Garden – How to Deal with Them

Centipedes and millipedes play an important role in the ecosystem.

Centipedes, especially the smaller species, help in the decomposition of organic matter and can contribute to the control of other pest populations. Millipedes, on the other hand, primarily feed on decaying plant matter and fungi, which also plays a significant role in soil formation processes.🧐
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