- Our horticulture farm is a family-owned business with long history. We operate in an area of 9ha in the city of Szczecin, Poland. Entire production is grown exclusively in the greenhouses. We specialize in strawberry young plants, strawberry fruits, raspberry fruits and flowers.
- All plants are packed in boxes of 10 pieces, with roots, leaves, ready for planting immediately after delivery
For growers and gardeners! Order with home delivery

Early varietes
- Clery
- Vibrant
- Aprica
- Honeoye
- Kent
Early mid- season varieties
- Sibilla
- Joly
- Polka
- Korona
- Elsanta
- Elianny
- Darselect
- Deluxe
- Dukat
Late varieties
- Florence
- Arosa
- Senga Sengana
- Dipred
- Arosa
- Florence.
Everbearing varieties
- Linosa
- Portola
- Ostara
- San Andreas
- Monterey
- Amandine
- Selva