Growing alpine strawberries on a balcony or terrace is not difficult and can provide a lot of satisfaction, especially if there are small children at home.
How to get started?
Just like with garden strawberries, we should equip ourselves with sufficiently deep (no less than 20 cm) pots or boxes and look for a sunny or only slightly shaded spot for them. Fill the pots with soil, preferably one “dedicated” to the cultivation of strawberries and alpine strawberries, which can be easily purchased at any garden store.
Planting Instructions:
- Plant strong and well-rooted seedlings at the same depth as they grew in the nursery, maintaining proper spacing, usually about 25 cm apart from one another.
Denser planting does not make sense, as alpine strawberries, although small at the beginning, grow vigorously and in a short time reach sizes no smaller than strawberry plants. - After planting the seedlings, remember to water them properly.
Alpine strawberries like moist soil, but not wet, so we do not water them “in advance,” but also try not to dry out the root system. - About every two weeks, it is good to fertilize the growing alpine strawberries with one of the fertilizers specifically designed for strawberries and alpine strawberries, following the instructions that are always on the package.