It has long been known that humus plays a key role in the soil and in the numerous beneficial processes that occur within it. It is humus that gives the soil a granular structure, promotes moisture retention in the soil, is a source of nutrients for plants, and provides invaluable support for beneficial soil microorganisms.
What can be done to increase the humus content in the soil? It is worth using homemade compost both before planting strawberries and during the vegetation period. Every few years, it is beneficial to spread and dig in old, well-rotted manure in the garden. Mulching strawberries with straw or another organic mass, such as ground branches, also promotes the accumulation of humus in the soil.
Introducing and maintaining the right amount of humus in the soil will allow strawberries to grow healthily and bear fruit abundantly.
What is the Best Precursor Crop for Strawberries? What Crops Should You Avoid Planting Before Strawberries?
Strawberries🍓 have their “moods” – they grow and fruit better after certain crops and worse or even very poorly after others. Good predecessors for strawberries are annual leguminous plants (peas, beans, but also lupins, fava beans, and vetch), root vegetables (carrots, celery, parsley, beetroot);😊
Continue reading “What is the Best Precursor Crop for Strawberries? What Crops Should You Avoid Planting Before Strawberries?”
Soil Requirements for Strawberries
Strawberries 🍓 will thrive and bear fruit in any soil, as long as it is permeable and in good horticultural condition. Continue reading “Soil Requirements for Strawberries”
What is the Average Yield of Strawberry Plants?
The answer is complex and depends on various factors such as 😄 the age of the plants, variety, their health, density, water supply during fruit set and growth, soil nutrient content, presence of bees during flowering, etc. However, an estimate can be made under certain assumptions. Continue reading “What is the Average Yield of Strawberry Plants?”
How to get rid of beetles on strawberries? Biological methods of combating soil pests
In addition to wireworms, there is also a problem with grubs and click beetle larvae. All of them feed on the roots of strawberry plants and often cause the death of entire plants, sometimes already in the initial phase of cultivation (the first year). Their presence can easily be detected at the stage of digging over the plot before planting strawberries🍓. If we find the larvae of these pests, especially in large numbers, do not plant strawberries there! It would be a waste of our effort and money. Soil pests must be eliminated before establishing the cultivation.🙂🐛 Continue reading “How to get rid of beetles on strawberries? Biological methods of combating soil pests”
Planting Strawberries on Black Plastic: A Practical Approach?
Yes, I am convinced that it is worth taking advantage of this convenience in practice and I strongly encourage it.
Continue reading “Planting Strawberries on Black Plastic: A Practical Approach?”
How often should I water strawberries?
There is no simple answer to this. Strawberries 🍓 , like any other plants, should be watered when they need it. Therefore, it all depends on the weather conditions. Strawberries require the most water 💧 after flowering, during the period of strong growth and fruit ripening (usually from the end of May through all of June). A lack of water during this period always results in smaller fruits and a significant drop in yield. Continue reading “How often should I water strawberries?”
Discover the Different Types of Strawberry Plants and Make the Best Choice
In the market, there are three types of seedlings available: potted, green (dug up), and frigo. Each has its advantages and disadvantages. However, it’s not particularly important which type of seedlings we choose. The most important thing is that the seedlings are HEALTHY, i.e., free from serious diseases and pests! Continue reading “Discover the Different Types of Strawberry Plants and Make the Best Choice”